Calm the Chaos &
Get Back The Joy

See How David Gets it Done WITHOUT Tons of Extra Work… OR Changing Everything You Do!

Let’s get right to it. 

If you found this site you are successfully pulling off the greatest show known to accomplished professionals…

It goes a little something like this:

To the outside world you appear to be OUTSTANDING in all areas… many of them wish they could trade places with you.


Behind the curtain, YOU KNOW, your life and your practice have become a plate spinning crazy train that dictates nearly every move you make.

You just want it to stop, so like I mentioned above, the thought of selling your Practice, like so many of your peers have done, begins to creep into your mental box of options.

Then the next thought is…dear God…what will those big corporate types think of my Clinic??

Would they even want to buy it once they saw it??


If it is then it’s no accident you are reading this.

Leaders in Ortho is a movement created specifically to pull amazing Orthodontists like yourself back from “the pit” and put you back up on the mountaintop…

With YOU back in charge of your life and your Practice.

Side Note:
Even if you do want to sell your clinic one day…doing it from a place of desperation could literally cost you MILLIONS of dollars of the blood sweat and tears you have put in over the years.

Now let’s continue.

Chances are you are a GENIUS of your craft.

A High End, Elite Level Practitioner…

Who is an ARTIST with a patient's bite and smile.

Most likely DRIVEN more than your peers since your days at Dental School.

But…You Find Yourself Wondering…

To What End?

Where is the Finishing Line?

Is it a number of years? 10, 20, 30?

Is it an amount of money? $2M, or $5M, or $10M dollar years?

You ask yourself….

Am I chasing goals or just “hits of a high” that keep me going further into the abyss of unknowing?


If you are deliriously happy with all areas of your life, then this isn’t an issue.


If you are reading this….

Retiring Early, Selling Your Business, Or
Just Plain Quitting…Have Been Crossing Your Mind The Past Few Weeks, And More Likely For Months Or Even Years.

Again….You have somehow gotten to that place where you feel like your life is not your own and nothing you attempt seems to make any lasting change.

Are you picking up what I am dropping so far??


Let’s Go A Little Deeper Beyond The Mask Of Perfectly Fine:

  • You don’t sleep well.
  • You stay Late.(And even 30 minutes changes the entire evening)
  • You Get Short with Your Staff.
  • One of your Key Players has either quit or has threatened to quit.
  • There seems to be constant balls being dropped by the Staff causing wasted time, embarrassment, and diminished levels of service…even though you have told them 1000x.
  • You WISH you had a Weekly and Monthly Scorecard showing the week's impact numbers to guide your decisions….but you don’t.
  • You have heard “CREATE CORE VALUES” about 37 times, and you swear you have them, BUT you cannot clearly articulate them on demand and neither can your staff.
  • You likely have a great accountant but couldn’t answer 3 questions about your current money….personal OR professional.
  • You have goals…BUT…you kind of just threw them out there based on last year, or problems that needed to be solved, and you do not review the goals OR the progress towards them until the next year.
  • Your primary relationship is suffering or at least not optimal.
  • You likely have some kid guilt because of time at the office and work at home. (Past Due Invisalign cases anyone??)
  • And your health…mental AND physical… have taken the proverbial back seat.


Can you tell there is a very clear distinction between a traditional consultant who hammers “Same Day Starts” and “Schedule Efficiency” and what I just described?


AND before the Leaders in Ortho movement you would struggle to find a SINGLE Orthodontic specific coach or consultant who worked with the DOC first!

You can learn all about the latest orthodontic techniques, building the best schedules, and marketing galore…

But no Life and Leadership Coaching for Orthodontists.

Until Now.

And here it is:

I help Orthodontists create Miraculous Transformations within themselves, their families, their staff, and their Clinics in less than 100 days.

Of course…

Your first question after reading down this far is likely:

How Does This Guy… NOT AN ORTHODONTIST…. Know My Situation So Intimately?

This is the beauty of what happens when a Life and Business Coach with 20 years in the trenches totally dedicates their focus to ONE SPECIFIC NICHE.

You begin to see patterns in the Docs, and nuances that are unique to an industry, but without the emotional attachment of being an Orthodontist.

Make sense?

And your second question…(in 3 parts of course):




Great news.

Chances are I can help… and help A LOT.

Click the Green Button Below To Get Your Answers.

Warmest Regards,
David King

P.S. This is the NO BS clause.

I am a one man show. No lieutenants. No sub coaches. Nothing watered down.

As a result….I only start 1 or 2 New Clients per month.
If this message has gotten your attention, go check out the details.

There is nothing like excitement, followed by hesitation, that then puts your vision on hold.

I’ve done it…’ve done it….it SUCKS.

This could be exactly what you have been looking for.

Listen to DAVID on the ORTHOPRENEURS Podcast with Dr. Glenn Krieger.

Genecov Case Study

I’d like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to David King.

David is unique as a professional coach in that he covers all the bases – Body, Mind, Spirit, and Ortho Practice.

He uses many years in businesses outside of ortho , and an encyclopedic knowledge of business, literature, and motivation to provide perspective and tools that are different from even the best ortho consultants out there.

I’ve been working with David for the last 6 months. He came into my world at the same time another David - my brother, my best friend, and a world – class craniofacial surgeon who was a large referral for my practice - was tragically killed in an auto accident.

David King was part of a team that literally helped pull me out of the depths.

I contacted Coach Dave a few weeks before my brother’s accident because two and a half years of pandemic changes in my practice and the loss of key team members who I hadn’t been able to replace had almost ground me down. After 35 and a half years in practice, I was burnt out and needed a new perspective, new processes, and a new outlook to keep me going till the end of my career.

The loss of my brother made that a tougher job.

After our initial zoom visit, it was remarkable what we had in common – endurance athletics, coaching and teaching, a desire to help people, and sadly, he too, had lost a younger brother in an auto accident. I told him I was coachable, and he decided I was a great project.

He came to my office for 3 days and we dug in deep to see what needed to be improved, and we had to make some hard decisions. And I had to show up, be persistent and consistent, and we came up with a game plan. Lots of 1 percent changes, that got the ball rolling towards a different attitude, better health professionally and physically, and positive culture improvements in the office and at home.

Six months later, with visits from Dave every 6-8 weeks, and weekly phone catch ups, and almost daily short voice memos, I’m a better boss, husband, dad, and brother.

I’ve come out of a time of loss and stress stronger and healthier. Our practice is more productive, and more importantly, fun again.

Thanks Dave, I appreciate all you’ve done and look forward to where we’re going from here!